Monday, February 21, 2011

I must be getting old

because the first thing that I thought after hearing this song was "this is a single? kids cant listen to this! what the hell is rhi rhi thinking?!!" and then i shamed myself for such mother goose thoughts

it is however pretty fun to blast this song in kendra's car while singing provacatively at old people at stoplights though. there's hope for my youth yet.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My take on the mess of a documentary "Exit Through the Gift Shop"

Thanks to 14 inches of snow last week I was free to spend the afternoon watching nexflix instants i never get around to watching. 'Exit Through the Gift Shop' definately surprised me.

here comes the spoiler...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why I am a Misunderstood Vegetarian

            I am a vegetarian. And with that statement, I am sure you are already dreading my next sentence, expecting a bleeding-heart “meet your meat” ramble about why I (unlike you) live with a clear conscious because I didn’t butcher that adorable pig from charlotte’s web. I will not do that in this piece, nor would I if I was sitting across from you during your steak dinner.
            Quite to the contrary, during my time as a vegetarian, the preaching and prodding more often comes from the person with the steak in front of them. The middle-aged men I work with often remind me animals were put on this earth to eat, and at grill outs I never hear the end of the jokes about my soy burgers. My boyfriend is usually respectful about my diet. In the beginning, however, he grilled me a few times on my reasons for not eating meat (his family raises hogs and cattle).  But surprisingly, the most constant protest and teasing has come from my own family. My father objects, my grandfather laughs, and my stepmother gets defensive. “Well I’m sorry we all don’t like tofu!” “Yeah, but think of all the poor plants your killing.” “That Boca burger looks like a delicious piece of cardboard, want some real meat?” …I have heard these comments more than a couple of times.

            The funny thing about the uproar that follows people’s discovery that I’m a vegetarian is that I never offer up my reasons for not eating meat unless directly asked. I decided not to eat meat for a multitude of different personal reasons. I also keep my opinions about meat personal as well. I am not a P.E.T.A. crusader who will confront you about your leather jacket or the Tyson chicken fingers in your fridge.  I am probably as big of a P.E.T.A. basher as any hunter, honestly. I don’t have much against hunting either, which is another view that surprises many of my macho male co-workers. 

            I am not a vegetarian because I disagree with the killing of cute innocent animals. People need food, and dying is an unfortunate part of life. I am a vegetarian because with the rise of factory farming, I don’t know where my food has come from. Nor do I know whether an animal was allowed to stand up and leave it’s cage in order to live a life. I cannot support a market that is disease-ridden and is guilty of repeated inhumane practices. I decided to go vegetarian for health reasons as well. Livestock from most farms are no longer fed a grass fed diet, compromising the nutritional value of the meat. Also, our digestion system is made to only digest meat around two times as week. That’s a far cry from the American diet that commonly includes meat products in every meal. I understand that I have other options that fit into my ideology of how meat should be produced. Free-range and family farmed raised meat products are available at some grocery stores and are becoming more popular. But they are also significantly more expensive than subsidized meat, and rarely available in restaurants and hosts’ homes. So at this point in my life I have decided to simply abstain from meat products all together.
            Another thing I found surprising about taking on a meat-free lifestyle is that people are intimidated by having a vegetarian join them for dinner. Often I am asked, “well, we are fixing a roast, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and green beans, but what can you eat?” I find this comment so amusing because although I might not be interested in the entrĂ©e (which almost always includes meat), I am more than satisfied making a meal out of the side dishes.
            If someone asked me “what is the hardest part of being a vegetarian?” I wouldn’t respond with what forbidden meat I now crave. Nor would I discuss the lack of options in food establishments (although Applebee’s menu is the absolute worse, I can fine more vegetarian options in a bar-b-cue joint). The majority of my trouble comes from the never-ending remarks and preaching I receive from the meat-eaters. Who assume vegetarians are the self-righteous ones.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stupid animal hats

I am all about the cute, but these stupid animal hats must go. I thought 99% of society agreed with me until recently. It used to be the only person that would sport this horrible accessory was the magna freak who talked to herself in my highschool band class. but as of last week I have spotted six (yes, SIX!) students shuffling around with these silly things on their heads. Even untalented celebrities have been wearing them this year for some ungodly reason (well unless you count topshop's fall runway), and it needs to stop.

+18 college students, young adults, and parents please heed my warning: you dont look any cuter with these stupid hats. you just come off as immature, silly, and/or aznwannabee.

not sure what to do with this stupid hat you are finally ashamed of?
I'd suggest make something useful from it such as a cozy trash fire, OR EVEN BETTER: pass it on to the few people/domesticated animals that DO look cute as hell in these hats....


tiny children

and of course, asians!

I dont own or even want an Ipad...until I laid my eyes on ipad cases.

(image belongs to nylon magazine)

So nylon's last issue has yet again made me pine for accessories i do not need for gadgets I do not own. But I will take the D&G lepord print one please

...hey, atleast its one of the least expesive ones ($275).

Sunday, January 23, 2011

You know what I miss reading the most?

 I'm still pretty depressed it's no longer in print.
Therefore, i will be spending the wee hours of this morning looking for some issues i missed out on with my best waste-of-time friend. ebay!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sorry Chrome.

So last semester I ditched old firefox for the snazzy new mac version of the popular google chrome, since I everything else google does is the cats pajamas in my (and everyone else's) eyes.

But after a couple of months I made up my mind: Chrome blows.

I know many might love to argue my harsh conclusion with a bunch of computer geek bullshit right now. but the truth is, I dont care. I like what I like in a browser for what I use the internet for.

This refusal to adopt this new 'technology' is based on the mindset of subborn old man, i realize, but hear me out.

My biggest annoyance with Chrome is also it's biggest selling point: the simplistic and uncluttered design. 

I missed my 3 toolbars which reminded me to visit blogs obsessively, my cheesy cat theme, and I guess it really came down to being comfortable with what I already knew.

I'm sorry I ever strayed from the browser that inspires such great works of art.