Monday, February 7, 2011

Stupid animal hats

I am all about the cute, but these stupid animal hats must go. I thought 99% of society agreed with me until recently. It used to be the only person that would sport this horrible accessory was the magna freak who talked to herself in my highschool band class. but as of last week I have spotted six (yes, SIX!) students shuffling around with these silly things on their heads. Even untalented celebrities have been wearing them this year for some ungodly reason (well unless you count topshop's fall runway), and it needs to stop.

+18 college students, young adults, and parents please heed my warning: you dont look any cuter with these stupid hats. you just come off as immature, silly, and/or aznwannabee.

not sure what to do with this stupid hat you are finally ashamed of?
I'd suggest make something useful from it such as a cozy trash fire, OR EVEN BETTER: pass it on to the few people/domesticated animals that DO look cute as hell in these hats....


tiny children

and of course, asians!


  1. I liked the "tiny children" part.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. volgakalki99 mayorOctober 23, 2018 at 4:25 AM
    Our new animal hats are offered in two very cool adaptations too. Scarf - offers some in-depth insights on animalheadgear.
